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What size fish is best to fit Zombait in?Anything 7" to 16". Use whatever works best for you.
What is the best bait fish to use?Ladyfish, Menhaden, Mackerel, Whiting, Herring, Blue Runners, Ballyhoo, and many more!
Will I get my Zombait back?There is a tie-on point to tether the lure back to your hook so you get the lure back even if your bait fish gets destroyed or taken.
Are the batteries included and rechargeable?YES! One battery is included per lure and they are powerful and rechargeable.
Can I lose the lure?We hope not but you can lose anything you throw into the ocean.
What is the motion like of Zombait?It's very real, like a wounded fish.
Does Zombait work in both fresh and saltwater?YES! The outer case will not corrode. Use care when handling if the inside components are exposed to saltwater and air. Handle with clean hands.
Can I use my own AA batteries?NO! Our batteries are specifically made for the lure and regular AA batteries will not work.
How can we be a retailer for Zombait lures?Send us an email to and we will let you know how.
How long does it take to receive my order?We ship same day or next day. Timing depends on your shipping method selected.
How do I return a product?Please send us an email at to open a help ticket and instructions will follow via email.
What happens if my Zombait doesn't work?Email us right away at to explain what is happening. We will get you answers or a replacement immediately.
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